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Newsyslog Installation Notes

Installation instructions for newsyslog

Newsyslog uses a `configure' script to probe the capabilities and type
of the system in question.  Please read this document fully before
configuring and building newsyslog.  You may also wish to read the file
INSTALL.configure which explains more about the `configure' script.

System requirements
To build newsyslog from the source distribution you need a machine
running UN*X (most flavors of BSD, SYSV, or POSIX will do), an ANSI
C compiler, and the make utility.  Note that newsyslog will not build
with an old-style K&R C compiler.  If you don't have an ANSI compiler,
you should be able to install gcc, the GNU C Compiler.

Simple newsyslog installation

For most systems and configurations it is possible simply to:

    1)  If you previously ran `configure' on a different host
	you will probably want to do a `make distclean' to remove
	the old `config.cache' file.  Otherwise, `configure'
	will complain and refuse to run.  Alternately, you can
	simply `rm config.cache'.

    2)  You should probably read the `Available configure options' section
	to see if there are any special options you may want or need.

    2a) If you wish to build newsyslog in the source directory, `cd'
	there and type `./configure'.

    2b) If you wish to build newsyslog in another directory and the make
	program you are using supports the `VPATH' variable (GNU make
	and most modern make programs do), `cd' the directory where you
	wish to bulid newsyslog and type `/path/to/source/configure'.

    3)  Type `make' to compile newsyslog.

    4)  Type `make install' (as root) to install newsyslog and its manual
	page.  You can also install various pieces the package via
	the install-binaries and install-man make targets.

Available configure options

This section describes flags accepted by the newsyslog's `configure' script.
Defaults are listed in brackets after the description.

	Cache test results in FILE

	Print the usage/help info

	Do not create output files

  --quiet, --silent
	Do not print `checking...' messages

Directory and file names:
	Install architecture-independent files in PREFIX.  [/usr/local]

	Install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX. [same as prefix]

	Where the newsyslog executable will be installed.  [EPREFIX/bin]

	Install man page in DIR [PREFIX/man]

	Find the sources in DIR [configure dir or ..]

Special features/options:
	Specifies path to C compiler you wish to use.

	Adds the specified directories to CPPFLAGS so configure and the
	compiler will look there for include files.  Multiple directories
	may be specified as long as they are space separated.
	Eg: --with-incpath="/usr/local/include /opt/include"

	Adds the specified directories to LDFLAGS so configure and
	the compiler will look there for libraries.  Multiple
	directories may be specified as with --with-incpath.

	Adds the specified libaries to LIBS so newsyslog will link
	against them.  If the library doesn't start with `-l' or
	end in `.a' or `.o' a `-l' will be prepended to it.  Multiple
	libraries may be specified as long as they are space

	When installing the manual page, install the one in man(7) format.

	When installing the manual page, install the one in mdoc(7) format.

	Directory to store statistics files used during monitor mode (-m).
	Defaults to /var/run if it exists, else /etc.

	Path to the sendmail program.  If not specified, configure will
	attempt to find sendmail on its own.

	Path to syslogd's pid file.  If not specified, configure will
	attempt to find the path itself.

	Use this option if your system does not have a pid file for
	syslogd.  This should be specified on IRIX systems.  You will
	also need to specify a command in newsyslog.conf to send syslogd
	SIGHUP (e.g. "killall 1 syslogd").

	Path to newsyslog's config file.  Defaults to /etc/newsyslog.conf.

	Path to gzip or compress.  If not specified, configure will
	attempt to find gzip or compress on its own.

	The extension of compressed files generated by gzip or compress.
	Defaults to .gz for gzip and .Z for compress.