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Accessing the newsyslog source tree via mercurial

Read-only access to the newsyslog source tree is available for checkout using mercurial at

Now that newsyslog uses mercurial for source control, anonymous cvs access is no longer available.

Download a copy of the newsyslog source repo

First, you must install mercurial. You can then make a copy of the repo by running:

    hg clone

This will create a copy of the newsyslog repo on your local machine in the newsyslog directory. This step only needs to be done once.

Next, change to the newsyslog directory that you just created and check out the source files.

    cd newsyslog
    hg update

This will populate the newsyslog directory with the newsyslog source files.

Updating your copy

Once you have a tree checked out, you can update it thusly:

    cd newsyslog
    hg pull
    hg update

The hg pull will pull in changes from the master repo, the hg update will update the working copy from your local repo.

You can also do standard operations like log, diff, and annotate. While you can check in changes to your local copy of the repo, you will be unable to push the changes directly upstream.

If you are not familiar with mercurial you should refer to the documentation for further instructions.

Web-based access

You can also browse the newsyslog source tree with your web browser using the browse link at This provides a nice interface and can be handy when you don't necessarily want to check out a full copy of the source tree. Note that there are several branches and the default branch may not be the one your want.